Scientific Name
Ictalurus punctatus
Channel Catfish
Image Credit
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
36-53 centimetres (14-21 inches)
0.9-1.8 kilograms (2-4 pounds)
  • common in southern Ontario lakes, including Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay
  • also found in large rivers, like the French, Ottawa and upper St. Lawrence
  • large, elongated body with no scales
  • 4 pairs of dark barbels around the mouth
  • pale blue, pale olive or grey back
  • lighter sides, often with black spots
  • grey to yellow to silver-white belly
  • tail is more forked than a bullhead’s
  • warm-water habitats in lakes and streams
  • cooler and swifter water than most other Ontario catfish
  • fast water downstream from power dams
Angling Tips
  • try protected areas like deep holes below riffles, and under drift piles or overhanging banks
  • still-fishing is recommended
  • active feeders all day long
  • often active during low light periods (dawn and dusk) and even through the night
  • sometimes take spinners and small plugs
  • try bottom fishing or drifting a live minnow under a small float
Common Bait
  • crayfish, earthworms, large dead minnows
  • cheese
  • strips of cut herring or smelt
  • chicken entrails