Blanche River - Marquis Township
- Fish sanctuary - no fishing from April 1 to June 15
Blanche River and its tributaries - including the Moose, Wright, Pontleroy and St. Jean Baptiste creeks, and the Englehart, Larder and Misema rivers, and the Wabi River and tributaries
- Lake sturgeon - closed all year
Commando Lake (49°04′N., 81°01′W.) - Glackmeyer Township
- Fish sanctuary - no fishing from January 1 to Saturday before second Sunday in February and September 16 to December 31
- Lake Trout - open from second Sunday in February to September 15
Edgar Lake (50°22′N., 80°23′W.)
- Fish sanctuary - no fishing from January 1 to Friday before third Saturday in May and November 1 to December 31
- Northern Pike - S-2; not more than 1 greater than 71 cm, and C-1; must be less than 71 cm
Groundhog River (The Pot) - Beardmore and Tucker Townships
- Fish sanctuary - no fishing from April 15 to July 15
Groundhog River - Reeves, Melrose, Strachan, Montcalm and Poulett Townships, from the bridge on Highway 101, downstream to the mouth of the Nat River
- Lake Sturgeon - open from January 1 to April 14 and July 1 to December 31
Groundhog River - Keith Township, between the base of the Horwood Dam downstream to where it enters Groundhog Lake
- Fish sanctuary - no fishing from April 1 to June 15
Labyrinth Lake (48°14′N., 79°31′W.) - including that part of Waterhen Creek downstream from the Access Road Bridge
- Live fish may not be used as bait or possessed for use as bait
- Northern pike - open from January 1 to April 15 and third Friday in May to December 31
- Smallmouth bass - open from January 1 to April 15 and Friday before fourth Saturday in June to December 31
- Walleye - open from January 1 to March 31 and third Friday in May to December 31
Lake 57 (48°17’N., 80°40’W.), Timmins Township
- Live fish may not be used as bait or possessed for use as bait
- Fish Sanctuary - no fishing from January 1 to July 31 and October 16 to December 31
- Aurora Trout - open from August 1 to October 15
- Aurora Trout - S-1 and C-0
Little Abitibi River - McQuibban and Sangster Townships, from boundary between the two townships to a line at longitude 80°36′30″W.
- Fish sanctuary - no fishing from April 1 to June 15
Little Abitibi River
- Fish sanctuary - no fishing from April 15 to June 30 in the following areas:
- Little Abitibi River - McQuibban Township, from Pierre Lake Road to part of Pierre Lake lying east of longitude 80°39′30″W.
- Little Abitibi River and Montreuil Lake - Swartman Township, between northern narrows of Pierre Lake to portion lying east of longitude 80°47′W.
Pack Can Lake (48°27’54”N., 79°59’29”W.) - Garrison Township
- Live fish may not be used as bait or possessed for use as bait
- Fish sanctuary - no fishing from January 1 to July 31 and October 16 to December 31
- Aurora trout - open from August 1 to October 15
- Aurora trout - S-1 and C-0